Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day Before Take Off and Gov't Officials are SUPPORTING US!!!

The bottom goodie compartment
Tuesday morning.  Suitcases, (yes plural), are mostly zipped up and even weighed for optimal orphanage gifting efficiency.  Fifty pound max.  Both Joy and I are bringing a huge suitcase stuffed with goodies for the kids and gifts for the Didis; (means:  big sister ~ translates to the women who care for these beautiful kids!).  We both have to work today, and are aiming for around 6pm launch time to move towards Seattle where we will spend the night as our flight takes off at 7am.  Early.

I feel calm and happy.  I keep breathing.  Those long deep, conscious kind of breaths that have an all over soothing effect on my nervous system.  I slept great which is a big help.  Things feel in order.  It's amazing what one can accomplish in such a short period of time.  Massive undertaking to bring all the right paperwork, make sure the business is in order, get a house sitter, buy/collect a mountain of children's goodies both fun and educational, and feel like yeah, all is well.  Magic happens, I'm telling you.

I've had an outpouring of support from my family, friends and clients and the local community.  There's a lot of goodness behind this trip and hopefully that, and the tide of the Universe, will carry us not only safely to our destination, but maybe bring about the unexpected beauty that I love to talk about, and love more to experience.  Without expectation, I welcome any and all support the greatest forces in the Universe have to give.   Bring it!  This trip is for you, Pukar.  See you all in Kathmandu.

For the latest AND MOST AWESOME press read: (I got word of this just after writing my blog ~ a good sign or what???
Kerry, Lynch Urge U.S. State Department To Expedite Nepalese Adoptions Already In Progress

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